AAHRPP Accreditation Procedures
Jan 18, 2022, 17:33 PM
Resources: For Accreditation - Procedures
Table of Contents
the aahrpp accreditation program
initial accreditation procedures
reaccreditation procedures
streamlined reaccreditation procedures for legacy organizations
accreditable organizations
site visitors
council on accreditation
granting or denying accreditation
categories of accreditation for renewing applicants
categories of accreditation for new applicants
voluntary withdrawal from aahrpp accreditation
limited site visits
status reports
publication of accreditation status
annual and other notification reporting
mandatory revisits
appeals and hearings
certificates of accreditation
protected health information
release and indemnification
records retention
Voluntary Withdrawal from AAHRPP Accreditation
If an Organization wishes to withdraw from AAHRPP Accreditation, the following actions will take place. If an Organization alerts AAHRPP, in writing, of its desire to no longer be accredited, AAHRPP will withdraw the Organization from its list of accredited Organizations. The Organization will receive an official letter from the President and CEO alerting it that AAHRPP has received the Organization’s correspondence and has withdrawn the Organization from the program, effective as of the date on the letter.
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limited site visits