Accreditation: Why Accreditation Matters - Overview
The Value of AAHRPP Accreditation
The primary purpose of AAHRPP accreditation is to strengthen protections for research participants. Each accreditation advances that objective and helps build public trust and confidence in research.
The benefits of AAHRPP’s comprehensive approach extend beyond participants to the research enterprise as a whole. Perhaps the greatest value is to those organizations that earn the privilege of displaying the AAHRPP seal. For them, attaining AAHRPP accreditation has proved to be both the right and the smart thing to do. The vast majority find that AAHRPP accreditation provides an excellent return on their investment. Equally important, the value of AAHRPP accreditation endures and is reinforced through reaccreditation.
Benefits of being an AAHRPP-accredited organization
People are getting AAHRPP accredited because they want to…that’s significant because it requires a commitment to the goals of the accreditation…
"Kenan Distinguished Professor
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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Need help making the case for AAHRPP accreditation?
Contact us for information that you can share with decision-makers within your organization.