Association for the Accreditation
of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. ®

Resources: For Accreditation - Procedures


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Latest Update: July 9, 2019

Site Visitors

After submission of the Step 2 application to the AAHRPP office, a team of one or more site visitors chosen by AAHRPP staff conducts an on-site evaluation of the Human Research Protection Program's performance with respect to each Accreditation Standard and Element. Site visit team leaders are members of AAHRPP's Council on Accreditation or experienced site visitors, and are selected by AAHRPP staff. At its option, AAHRPP may use one or more site visitors for Limited Site Visits (described below), Mandatory Site Visits (described below) or special site visits after the initial site visit has been concluded. AAHRPP will not accredit an Organization without a site visit. Subsequent to the initial accreditation period of three years, an accredited Organization is routinely revisited at five-year intervals. 


Site visitors are selected by AAHRPP staff based on their experience, and generally represent four perspectives: public or participant, human research protection, research, and organizational. In some cases, individual site visitors might represent more than one perspective. Not all four perspectives need to be represented by a team. Efforts are undertaken to tailor the site visit team to the needs of the Organization. For example, for each site visit, site visitors should have the appropriate expertise in the type of research conducted (e.g., clinical or social science) and knowledge about the type of research setting (e.g., community hospital, research site, or university). The number of site visitors assigned to a team depends upon the size and complexity of the Organization’s Human Research Protection Program.

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