Association for the Accreditation
of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. ®

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AAHRPP Awards Accreditation to Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center

Jun 23, 2021


WASHINGTON, D.C., June 23, 2021―The Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs today announced that it has awarded full accreditation to Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center.

The Bronx, New York, medical school and academic medical center joins more than 600 entities worldwide in meeting AAHRPP’s accreditation requirements, which are widely regarded as the gold standard for high-quality, ethical research. As part of the accreditation process, the college and medical center demonstrated that it has built extensive safeguards into every level of its research operation and adheres to high standards for research.

“AAHRPP accreditation is a mark of excellence,” AAHRPP President and CEO Elyse I. Summers said. “For researchers and research organizations, accreditation signals that an organization is a trustworthy partner, committed first and foremost to protecting research participants. 

“Manifesting the humanitarian spirit of its namesakes (Einstein and Montefiore), this research program serves a diverse community at the crossroads of our society’s most pressing issues of health equity and access,” she added. “We are delighted to welcome Einstein and Montefiore to our family of AAHRPP-accredited organizations.”

AAHRPP has accredited research entities across the U.S. and in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Jordan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.

All major U.S. independent institutional review boards have earned AAHRPP accreditation. In addition, more than 70% of U.S. medical colleges and 85% of the top U.S. National Institutes of Health-funded academic medical centers are AAHRPP accredited or have begun the accreditation process.

About AAHRPP: A nonprofit organization, AAHRPP provides accreditation for organizations that conduct or review human research and can demonstrate that their protections exceed the safeguards required by the U.S. government. To learn more, visit